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Help Centre
Support for New and Current Students
Thinking About Joining Us
Course Information
Entry Requirements
Funding Advice
Open Days
Student Support
Learn More About Our Courses
Animation and Illustration
Art & Design and Fine Art
Motorsport and Automotive Performance Engineering
Biomedical and Medical Engineering
Business Management
Civil Engineering
Community Development and Youth Work
English and Creative Writing
Crime and Criminal Justice
Dental Technology
Early Years and Childhood Studies
Education and Teacher Training
Professional Practice
Creative Industries
Support for New and Current Students
Student ID
Advice and Guidance
Council Tax
Official Letters
Health and Welfare
Student Experience
Life Lounge
Careers Service
Disability Services
Sports Centre
Students Union
Job Support
The Bolton Award
Help and Advice
Course Information
Overseas courses and Partners
Graduation FAQs
Graduation Ceremony
Academic Dress and Photography
Award Information
Special requirements, information for students and guests.
Travel Information
International Students and Visitor Visas
How to contact the Graduation Team
Booking and Tickets
Dates of 2023 Graduation Ceremonies
Where is the Graduation Ceremony?
Closed Doors Policy
Outreach Area
About Higher Education
Parents and Carers
Study Skills
Teachers (Pre-16)
Teachers (Post-16)
Overseas Applications
Fees and Funding
Course Advice
Entry Requirements
Student Visa
Support for New and Current Students
Learn more about what Student Support Services are available
Student ID
What is a Student ID Card?
How do I obtain a Student ID Card?
I have lost my ID card, how do I obtain a replacement?
Why does the card not have an expiry date on it?
I have changed my course, do I need a new ID card?
I have withdrawn from my course, what should I do with my ID card?
I am a female student who wears a veil, do I have to remove my veil for the photograph?
I have an examination and I am unable to locate my ID card, what can I do?
My ID card doesn't work on the car park/Library scanners, what can I do?
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Advice and Guidance
Where can I find the minibus timetable?
How long until I receive an offer?
What are the course fee policies?
I want to change or leave my course
What support is available if I feel overwhelmed or like dropping out from my course?
Access past exam papers
Can I speak to someone from the Library?
How do I find my academic Tutor?
Where do I submit my assignment?
How do I contact my Personal Tutor?
My timetable is wrong/not appearing on the web, what should I do?
My name is not showing on the class register, what do I do?
Who can I discuss my academic results with?
How do I find out about refer/defer work I have to do?
When will I get my module results?
How do I check when my classes are?
How do I make an official complaint about a member of staff/service/School?
How do I provide feedback about the service?
How do I make an appointment to see a Student Advisor?
How do I use Linkedin ?
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Council Tax
How do I apply for Council Tax exemption?
My course does not follow the standard Academic Year, will this cause a problem with Council Tax?
How do I know which local authority/Council I pay Council Tax to?
Who do I contact if my circumstances, which may affect my Council Tax have changed?
I have changed my address, what do I do?
If I take time out from my studies can I still receive Council Tax exemption?
I am an international/overseas student with a partner, is my partner exempt from Council Tax?
Can I still obtain Council Tax exemption if I have a debt to the University of Bolton?
I am a part-time student do I have to pay Council Tax?
I am a full-time student but I live with someone who is not a student, what should I do?
I am a full-time student do I have to pay Council Tax?
Who counts as a full-time student for Council Tax purposes?
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Official Letters
I haven't received my transcript yet, what should I do?
How do I request a To Whom It May Concern letter?
How do I request a letter to open a bank account?
How do I get an intermediate transcript?
Where do I get forms such as mitigating circumstances, extension requests, module changes, appeal forms?
How long does it take to produce a letter?
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How do I book an appointment with the Wellbeing Support Service?
Health and Welfare
How to apply for the Student Support Fund (UOBSSF)
What support is available for pregnant students at the university?
What support is available for me if I am suffering from anxiety?
I'm feeling very stressed. What support is there for this at Bolton University?
How do I register with a local doctor?
I am being bullied/harassed, who can I speak to?
Is childcare available to students?
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Student Experience
How do I become a student course representative?
Who can I speak to about peer mentoring?
Can I take part in any volunteering while at Bolton University?
How do I make an academic appeal?
I need to speak to someone about mitigating circumstances, what should I do?
What is my LEAP Ahead Action Plan?
How do I book onto a LEAP Workshop?
How do I contact the Student Life Team?
When is Welcome Week?
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Life Lounge
What and where is the Life Lounge?
What support is available?
How do I access support services?
Do I need an appointment to visit the Life Lounge?
Is the service confidential?
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Careers Service
Where can I get help to apply for a post-study work visa?
Where is the Careers Service based
When and where are The Careers Service drop-ins?
We have a current vacancy and wish to advertise this to students/graduates. How do we go about this?
What support is available through the Careers Service?
Who can use the Careers Service at the University of Bolton?
What information and resources are available via the Careers Service?
Do I need to know what I want to do before using the Careers Service?
I am an international student concerned about finding work in the UK when I graduate. Can you advise me about visa regulations?
How do I make the most of ‘non-graduate’ jobs and work experience on my CV?
Will I be able to work in the UK after finishing my studies?
Do I have to submit a cover letter every time I apply for a job with a CV?
What is the Bolton Award?
How do I gain the Bolton Award?
I work part-time, will this experience count towards the Bolton Award?
Can I book a careers appointment?
What is Student Hub?
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Disability Services
What funding is available for study-related support?
What funding is available for study-related support?
What study-related support can the Disability Service offer?
How do I contact the Disability Service?
How do I disclose a Disability to the University?
What is the role of the University of Bolton Disability Service?
What is a Disability?
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Sports Centre
What are the opening times and contact details for the Sports Centre?
What is available at the University of Bolton Sports Centre?
Where is the swimming pool and gym?
Do you have a gym or a swimming pool?
Where is the Sports Centre?
How do I make a booking for the Sports Centre facilities?
Where can I find more information about the Sports Centre?
How do I register to use the Sports Centre?
How much do Sports Centre activities cost?
What exercise classes can I take part in at the University of Bolton?
When are the free swim times for students?
Are there any sports and recreation off-campus activities?
Where do the teams train?
How do I join a sports team?
Can I bring friends to the climbing wall at the University of Bolton?
How much does it cost to join a sports team?
Do I have to be good at sport to take part?
Can I learn to climb on the climbing wall at the University of Bolton?
Do I have to play competitively or can I just train?
How much is it to climb on the campus climbing wall?
What teams are available to join?
How old do you have to be to use the climbing wall?
Can I play competitive sports at the University of Bolton?
Can I contact a sports captain directly?
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Students Union
Is there social space for students on campus?
What is the Students' Union (SU)?
Can I join a society?
What is the Students' Union (SU)?
What does the Students' Union (SU) do?
Is there a Students' Union (SU) shop on campus?
How do I join the Students' Union (SU)?
Are the Students' Union (SU) on social media?
What sports societies are available?
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Where do I enrol?
I am having issues enrolling on my course, resetting my password, or getting an error message when enrolling.
What is a course induction?
What is enrolment?
My course has started but I have not received enrolment information yet, what should I do?
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Job Support
Can I get help with my CV, covering letter and job applications?
Can I arrange a mock interview before my real job interview?
I need to find a part-time job, where do I look?
I am interested in volunteering, how do I get involved?
I'm making lots of job applications but not getting invited for interviews, can the Careers Service help?
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The Bolton Award
What is the Bolton Award?
What will I gain from the Bolton Award?
Who is eligible to complete the Bolton Award?
Can I complete the Bolton Award around my course?
How long does it take to complete the Bolton Award?
Is there a cost to undertaking the Bolton Award?
What support is available for those undertaking the Bolton Award?
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I have now graduated, is there still careers support available?
What other support is available to me as an Alumni of the University of Bolton?