Entry Requirements

Why is the course unavailable for international applications?

Currently, some courses are unavailable for international students due to visa restrictions. You can find out more information about if you need a visa and which type at www.gov.uk/check-uk-visa. You can also find more information and guidance at www.gov.uk/student-visa.

Please note that some courses will display that a “course is unavailable” if the deadline has been reached or the quota for that course is full.

You can also discuss course options and how to apply with your International Branch offices:

International Branch Offices

For any queries (including admissions) please contact your branch office:

All African Countries: Africa Branch Office (AFBO) Email: afbo@bolton.ac.uk

Weblink: www.bolton.ac.uk/afbo and www.boltonafrica.com

India, Nepal, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka: South Asia Branch Office (AFBO) Email: sabo@bolton.ac.uk

Weblink: www.bolton.ac.uk/sabo and https://uniofboltonsabo.org/

Pakistan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Afghanistan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Jordan and Syria: mecabo@bolton.ac.uk

Weblink: www.bolton.ac.uk/mecabo and www.uobmecabo.com

For all other countries please email intadmissions@bolton.ac.uk