Sports Centre

Where is the swimming pool and gym?

Access to the swimming pool and gym is from the NHS main entrance to Bolton One. This is located on Moor Lane just around the corner from the University Sports Centre reception area, the swimming pool and gym are part of The Jason Kenny Centre and these facilities are owned by the council. University of Bolton students and staff have Free Swim periods in the mornings, afternoons and evenings. Please speak to the sports centre staff for more details.

Please visit For a map, please see our get-in-touch page at

You can also chat with our staff directly every Wednesday from 2 pm - 4 pm and periodically throughout the working week.

Alternatively, chat with our current students who will be able to share this information with you and any other course-related queries.

Or book onto one of our Open Days or Course Advice Days to find out more and speak with the team.

For information about all our activities, please visit our sport and wellness page. Alternatively, you can contact us on 01204 903 172 or by emailing