Open Days

How far is the University of Bolton from the train station?

The University of Bolton is conveniently located near train, bus, and motorway travel links. We are only a 5-minute walk from the Bolton Interchange, which encompasses the bus and train stations, and close to the A666, the M61, and other motorway links. Please see our Open Day pages for updates and further information. For a map, please visit our getting in touch page or plan your route here.

You can also chat to our staff directly every Wednesday from 2pm - 4pm and periodically throughout the working week.

Alternatively, chat to our current students who will be able to share this information with you and any other course-related queries.

Or book onto one of our Open Days or Course Advice Days to find out more and speak with the team.

Thank you for your interest in the University of Bolton. There is no better opportunity than an Open Day to explore the great facilities at Bolton and to meet our talented lecturers and students.