Parents and Carers

A parent/guardian guide to University

We understand that helping your child with their university applications and getting ready for university can sometimes be challenging, but to help parents be more prepared and gain insight into the whole process there are various educational organisations that frequently produce helpful guidance and resources. 

The Complete University Guide - Lots of useful articles from the year and articles written by students and parents to give you greater insight.

Parent guide to University - Save the Student - Lots of useful tips and tricks for university and advice on preparing for University. 

UCAS support and resources page - Different articles explaining UCAS-related questions from the applications to funding and UCAS track guides. 

Student finance guide for First years - A guide to all your financial questions and funding opportunities/ guidance. 

You can also chat with our staff directly every Wednesday from 2 pm - 4 pm and periodically throughout the working week.

Alternatively, chat with our current students who will be able to share this information with you and any other course-related queries.

Or book one of our Open Days or Course Advice Days to find out more and speak with the team.

What is #UniAsItShouldBe? A University that puts its students and their needs first through a supportive learning environment. Welcome to the University of Bolton.