Study Skills

Study skills: what is Turnitin?

If you are learning through distance or blended learning, then you will have access to Moodle and Turnitin.

When you have a written assignment that you need to submit via Moodle you will be able to access Turnitin from the 'assignments' area of Moodle by clicking on the relevant module and assignment.

Once you have uploaded your document to Turnitin it will be cross-referenced against journals, articles, newspapers, assignments, and academic databases to check for similarities, and above all, plagiarism.

What is Turnitin?

Submitting Your Work with Turnitin on Moodle

What is Plagiarism?


You can also chat with our staff directly every Wednesday from 2 pm - 4 pm and periodically throughout the working week.

Alternatively, chat with our current students who will be able to share this information with you and any other course-related queries.

Or book onto one of our Open Days or Course Advice Days to find out more and speak with the team.

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